It is very important that you keep the dog safe and warm when it is having a seizure. Antioxidant Properties: The free oxygen radicals present in a dog's body can result in cell damage and development of degenerative conditions like aging. The trend towards dressing one's dog is not necessarily a new phenomenon, but the intensity of this shift is definitely growing Some of the solutions are to feed the dog the best food, do some regular exercises with him and give him various vitamins and nutritional supplements to help his immune system. They may have little girls, who hate to get dirty and love to play with dolls, rather than dogs. The holidays are almost here. Besides that the mood swings and the behavior changes follow. So, they need to be treated with utmost care and love But the big concern is not the loss of one tooth but the complications and infections that can appear with it. It is recommended to do that twice each week. Australia has more dog breeds (13) in their top...